Casting - Male roles

img1.jpg, 3.8kB We are looking for talent in front of and behind the camera. Are you a videographer wanting to expand your horizons and add to your resume? Or are you a technician needing add to your repertoire of experience to land the dream job? We are looking for people to fill various roles in the UK and US. All positions are contract or voluntary and will be given proper credit for the associated projects.

Please submit a resume and/or a link to your work.


Lead Male 1 Character description:

Age 37-41, Leader of Angelix. Gra'el is the leader of the Angelix and tends to be smug about situations he gets into. Although he is an incredibly powerful angel, he has some quirks that make him fallible. Gra'el is a true warrior and is not a pacifist at heart; yet he cares about events in the human world, maybe even more than he should. To him, everything serves a higher plan and he will do whatever it takes to make his objective. He is somewhat of a loner and tries to do everything on his own first. His loner perspective is derived from the betrayal by a close friend. He has developed a knack for double talking, double and triple entendre or speaking in in a way that may be construed in more than one way. Gra'el holds all of his comrades in high esteem.


Lead Male 2 Character description:

Gahn has a perpetual bad boy persona. He is a wild teenager at heart and self-centered. Gahn is unreliable except when it suits his own purposes. This egocentric attitude of his is often mistaken for self-confidence and leadership ability; hence many like to follow his lead even though he considers most of his comrades to be imbeciles. Gahn's charisma works well for him. More often than not, he loves to taunt the female angels and try to entice them. Even though he is never successful in his efforts, he remains undaunted. Actor must be able and willing to ride a motorcycle.


Lead Male 3 Character description:

Age 19-22, Jake has a limited trusting nature, but once he has made up his mind, he will hold steadfast. However, due to his insecurity, he is easily swayed by others that he perceives to be more important or powerful than himself until he can surpass their status. Jake considers his social status as a measure of his self-worth. Jake has always been the life of the party in New Haven, and has become even more so with the inclusion of his new girlfriend Michelle. Jake was close to his cousin Hannah, but they have drifted apart over the last few months though he remains protective of her.


Supporting Male 1 Character description:

Age 27-32 Athletic black male (preferably a twin for Doban) Boshek is renowned for his fighting ability and successes. He is very strong in both physical strength and will power. Boshek has not totally let fame go to his head, though he remains capricious and a bit arrogant. He is very confident but not boastful and does not shy away from attention and accolades. Boshek holds deep respect for Shiri while he finds Alyanna and Kaleth to be immature. If he can defeat Scourge, he may be elevated to a higher angelic class.


Supporting Male 2 Character description:

Age (open), Asian male, Sholan once was a magistrate and a commander of a small army. He knew the perks of aristocracy and the toils of labor. Sholan is a logical thinker but he does appreciate an occasional prank. Sholan was not always the quiet introspective type but had become more introverted because he feels he is an outsider. He enjoys their more intimate views on the world, but feels a disdain for group think.


Supporting Male 3 Character description:

Age 27-32 Athletic black male (preferably a twin for Boshek) For reasons known only to him, Doban has taken on the appearance of the angel he is jealous of, Boshek, and is in denial about it. Doban's real appearance has been forgotten by all except himself. His deranged obsession also compels him to want to displace the very angel he emulates. Doban is so talented in his guise, that even the angels find it a bit vexing to tell them apart at a distance. The demons have long appreciated his change since it directly mocks one of the most celebrated warrior angels with an 'in your face' attitude. Although he is not very cunning, he is a powerful demon and prefers the use of brute force to make his point.


Supporting Male 4 Character description:

Age 22-27, Kraag is an adequate warrior and is the epitome of mediocrity. He is generic in almost every way and can easily slip into a crowd and become unseen, however, Kraag's very talent also works against him. He would love to be noticed and as appreciated as Doban, but never is. Kraag will usually flee a fight if he is uncertain he can win. He likes to imagine himself as an integral part of the team, but others do not see him as such. To Kraag, everyone is his friend, except the enemy who are not deserving of his respect. Kraag tends to be the under-dog of the Scourge crew.


Supporting Male 5 Character description:

Age 35-40, Dennis is a normally well collected individual, but lately has been on edge. He is Mei's 'right hand man' for the coordination of events in New Haven. Denis is a strong warrior who suffers from an inner turmoil that he keeps from everyone, and buries it deep. Denis is now trapped in the dilemma of increasing his own power base as he deeply desires, or to bring an end to his deep turmoil through the only way he can rationalize - to confront Gra'el. His current loyalty is to himself and to obey Mei's orders as best he can, or risk being destroyed.


Supporting Male 6 Character description:

Age (open) Billy is a gang member who wants to be recognized by the gang leaders and is willing to do whatever it takes. He strives to be the right hand man of the gang. His past is that he is a school dropout and angry that the world has not been easy for him. He has found a family and an outlet for his anger in the gang.


Supporting Male 7 Character description:

Age (open) The vagrant tries to live his life in the shadows of the city. He has no want to be in the middle of any attention. His secret is what keeps him from wanting to be noticed, but trouble find him anyway.


Supporting Male 8 Character description:

Age 19-22 This character is comic relief. He/she is friends with Jake and Hannah. The background is that this character is that he/she is middle class and was an average student in High School. Life has been mediocre and he/she wants more out of life. Hanging around Jake makes life exciting. If a chance presented itself to get out of town he/she would do it and not look back.


Supporting Male 8 Character description:

Age 19-22 This character is comic relief. He/she is friends with Jake and Hannah. The background is that this character is that he/she is middle class and was an average student in High School. Life has been mediocre and he/she wants more out of life. Hanging around Jake makes life exciting. If a chance presented itself to get out of town he/she would do it and not look back.